10 YEAR ANNIVERSAY Dear clients and partners,Today is a very special day for us – Friday the 1st May 2020, we can celebrate our 10 year anniversary as a company. What started with me alone in my office, an empty desk and my laptop has now developed into the...


NEW BROKER Some of you might already have had the pleasure of meeting our new colleague Nicolai Robert Mogens Blach who today celebrates his 1-month work anniversary at UniMerchants. Nicolai, 28 years old, is an agricultural technician and holds a bachelor in...
UM Academy May 23rd 2019 Hamburg

UM Academy May 23rd 2019 Hamburg

The UniMerchants Academy invites you to our annual Summit in Hamburg May 23, 2019:Wind of Change in Agriculture – climate, digitization & tradingThe climate discussion determines the agenda in many areas of our lives. This year’s UniMerchants Academy...
New employment

New employment

It is a pleasure to inform you that as per February 1st 2019 Per Kiel will join UniCorp as our new Group CFO. Per has a broad experience as CFO from various Danish and international companies. Per has also lived andworked in the UK for a period with his family. We...